
"Be the change that you wish to see in the world!"

Mahatma Gandhi

About us

are we?

Who are we?

The Planetrise Association for Culture and Environmental Protection was founded in 2003 by some enthusiastic young people in Kisvárda (Hungary).

do we want?

What do we want?

"Promotion of sustainable development, protection of diverse cultures, promotion of healthy lifestyle for every social class in order to create a liveable and more unified world." (extract from the articles of incorporation)

do we do?

We aim to promote the conservation of values, of our natural and built environment and to form our society in a sustainable way via our concrete projects, programs, awareness raising and education. To achieve our goals we work together with national and international local governments, civil organizations, educational, health and social institutions, national parks, authorities for the protection of the natural and built environment, business companies, churches and the media.

Video gallery

Péter és Csaba Kongóban 2

2020. 03. 23.


Tax number: 18816154-1-15

Planetrise Association for Culture and Environmental Protection

Address: 4600 Kisvárda, Toldi Miklós utca 29. Hungary

Bank account: 11600006-00000000-60606994

Bank details: Erste Bank Hungary Zrt. 1138 Budapest, Népfürdő utca 24-26.

Swift code: GIBAHUHB

IBAN: HU21 11600006 00000000 60606994


Csaba Szeremley

Malawi project coordinator / film specialist, cameraman

Ilona Asztalos

presidential member / photojournalist and head of marketing

Tamas Miskolczi

deputy president / production of educational and visual aids

Tamas Moricz

coordinator of civil relations / fundraising coordinator

Melinda Szabo

project coordinator in Gyortelek

Otto Szilagyi

Botswana project coordinator

Robert Bakos

project coordinator in Szatmár-Bereg County / foundraiser

Attila Turk

Attila Turk
E-mail cím: tutti@bsdnet.hu


dr. Peter Gergo Juhasz

president / general counsel and director of strategy

Szilvia dr. Juhaszne Veress

presidential commissioner / head of tender administration

What we do
Voluntary programs
What we done
Megvalósult Magyarország Kormánya támogatásával Megvalósult Magyarország Kormánya támogatásával Megvalósult Magyarország Kormánya támogatásával

Have a question? Write to us!

Do you have any questions? Contact us and we will respond within 24 hours!


Planetrise Association for Culture and Environmental Protection

4600 Kisvárda
Toldi Miklós Utca 29.

Tel.: +36 70 775 9282

E-mail: foldkelte@gmail.com

Tax number: 18816154-1-15

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